Friday, July 20, 2012

Resident Evil 2 Revisited (Again, and again.. forever)

Title: Resident Evil 2
Platform: GameCube (originally PSX)
Developer: Capcom
Playtime: Too long >_<


As the intro screen announcer so perfectly puts it. This game, as you should know by now, is a survival horror CLASSIC. Easily my 2nd favorite in the series, after the remake of RE1 on GameCube. Of course the original release blew my mind back in 98. My fondness for the game has only grown since then, with each subsequent playthrough. Unfortunately my ability to obtain a top clear rank has not grown equally. One day..

There is so much to love about RE2, Capcom truly created a masterpiece. This is survival horror at its absolute best. The voice acting, and cut-scenes are completely hilarious. The developers really went nuts putting in over-the-top moments, ridiculous enemies, and all sorts of lol-worthy shit. I can't not have fun playing this game. Blowing up naked zombies with a grenade launcher, getting multiple exploding headshots with the shotgun, or slicing vomiting zombies from a safe location.. the satisfaction never ends.

In addition to the consistently amazing feeling of blasting the undead, and a variety of mutated "B.O.W (bio-organic weapons)", RE2 delivers outstanding replayability. There are four main scenarios (two for each character), two unlockable mini-games with other surviving characters, an "extreme battle" mini-game, and tons of other stuff to enjoy. You can play this game until the actual zombie apocalypse outbreak occurs. It's that good.