Monday, December 17, 2012

Silent Hill 2 'Leave' Ending

Finally managed to get an ending other than 'In Water'. Was trying for the Maria ending, but screwed it up walking the wrong way accidentally at the Bowling Alley. Gonna try again tho, I really should see them all.

Monday, December 3, 2012

MW3 Stats, 24-1 Game, New Killstreak Record

Had an absolute beast of a game, setting a new personal killstreak record of  16

Thursday, November 22, 2012

MW3 "statshot" and 29-4 game

Stoked to have my bro Kainr (four3four) playing some Mdub Trizzle with me $$

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

MW3 "statshot" 10-30-2012 and update

Got my gaming PC up and running:

- ASRock Z77 Extreme 4
- Intel i3-2120 3.3 ghz dual-core
- 4 gb g-skill DDR3
- Radeon HD 4670 1 gb x 2
- Acer 21.5" 1920x1080 led

Name: Moonrise

So stoked to finally be able to play some PC games. Have been enjoying StarCraft II as well as quite a bit of Team Fortress 2. Excitement level: pretty much unequaled. I'm gonna go nuts on some games. Forever.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday, October 5, 2012

Killtacular Adventures of Kuni 6

Watch on YouTube obviously. I added all of the KAOK videos to a playlist as well, if you're into that sort of thing ;)

I really like the way this one turned out. Some of my most exciting/entertaining gameplay yet I feel, also some pretty good syncing with the music. Enjoy! ^^

Thursday, September 27, 2012

MW3 "statshot" 09-27-2012

Been playing a healthy amount of MW3 lately..

Slowly acquiring more footage for my next video. Look for that on the horizon!

Friday, July 20, 2012

Resident Evil 2 Revisited (Again, and again.. forever)

Title: Resident Evil 2
Platform: GameCube (originally PSX)
Developer: Capcom
Playtime: Too long >_<


As the intro screen announcer so perfectly puts it. This game, as you should know by now, is a survival horror CLASSIC. Easily my 2nd favorite in the series, after the remake of RE1 on GameCube. Of course the original release blew my mind back in 98. My fondness for the game has only grown since then, with each subsequent playthrough. Unfortunately my ability to obtain a top clear rank has not grown equally. One day..

There is so much to love about RE2, Capcom truly created a masterpiece. This is survival horror at its absolute best. The voice acting, and cut-scenes are completely hilarious. The developers really went nuts putting in over-the-top moments, ridiculous enemies, and all sorts of lol-worthy shit. I can't not have fun playing this game. Blowing up naked zombies with a grenade launcher, getting multiple exploding headshots with the shotgun, or slicing vomiting zombies from a safe location.. the satisfaction never ends.

In addition to the consistently amazing feeling of blasting the undead, and a variety of mutated "B.O.W (bio-organic weapons)", RE2 delivers outstanding replayability. There are four main scenarios (two for each character), two unlockable mini-games with other surviving characters, an "extreme battle" mini-game, and tons of other stuff to enjoy. You can play this game until the actual zombie apocalypse outbreak occurs. It's that good. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012


Title: Grandia
Platform: PlayStation
Developer: Game Arts
Playtime: approx. 68 hours (last save 67 hours, 36 minutes, 38 seconds)

My earliest memory of Grandia was some time shortly after its release, with none other than my bro for infinity: Kainr. We had been awake for three consecutive days. Having completed Final Fantasy VIII one night, and having visited our local arcade the next day for some very surreal games of CarnEvil (complete with random drunk dude providing us with gameplay "tips").. By the time we got around to him showing me Grandia, I was pretty much tripping from sleep deprivation. I barely managed to make it through the introduction, and part of the first town.. before I promptly lost consciousness with the controller in-hand. "Bro, wake up" I kept hearing, but it was no use. Curse my frail mortal form, and its need for sleep.. I may have borrowed the game at some point, but didn't get much further then either.

Fast forward about twelve or thirteen years to present day. Grandia is no longer a rare, hard to find game. One which could easily be seen on Ebay for ridiculous prices. One thing I am quite grateful to modern gaming for, is the ability to download classics such as this for around $5. I have to say, technology can be pretty amazing some times.

The game itself is like an ancient shrine, paying homage to a lost age. Grandia is pretty much an archetype of late 90s JRPGs, from what I would consider the golden age of that genre. It's 2d, the battle music rocks, it's long, the translation isn't perfect, the voice acting: even less so. What makes it such an endearing experience, for me at least, is simply the nostalgic atmosphere playing the game creates. The story is fairly standard fare for a JRPG. The usual locales and settings make their appearances, and the gameplay doesn't deviate much from the classic RPG formula. Rather than trying to fix what isn't broken, Grandia sticks to what works. That isn't to say the systems are overly bland, just that nothing's ruined by gimmicky design. This is a straight-up, oldschool RPG that doesn't fuck around. Thank you Game Arts for that.

One of my most favorite aspects of the game is how well realized the world is. For a late PS1 title, the game boasts an impressive amount of detailed environments. There is quite a large population of NPCs, which you can speak to repeatedly to hear different things. The dialogue isn't super great, but kudos to the developers for writing as much text as they did. Within many of the indoor areas, there is also little interactive elements. We're not talking particle physics, but I get a kick out of knocking tiny, low-polygon objects over. I'm weird like that.

The music and cinematics are excellent. The anime styling is excellent. The intricate 2d sprites are excellent. The adventure is excellent. This game is fucking excellent.

On to the next.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Monday, March 12, 2012

Sunday, March 11, 2012

MW3 12 Kill Streak

My personal best so far. Working on another video, more of a musical montage :D

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Campaign

Title: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
Platform: PlayStation 3
Developer: Infinity Ward/Raven Software/Sledgehammer
Difficulty: Veteran (Hardest)
Playtime: 19 Hours, 49 Minutes, 03 Seconds

Having never played any of the previous Call of Duty iterations, I decided to give MW3 a chance based on the tremendous amount of hype it received. I wasn't disappointed, I also realize the true meat of the game lies in multiplayer. The campaign however was sufficiently immersive and entertaining. Being new to the series, I didn't have any real attachment to the characters, or plot. Still, the game delivered a decent attempt to pull me in. I have to say, some of the sequences truly were jaw-dropping. Action packed barely begins to cover it. In order to collect all of the potential trophies, I ratcheted the difficulty up to Veteran for my playthrough. I died, a lot. I found myself listening to the "hurry up" cues constantly, as I'd remain firmly motionless just to survive. You really should be able to turn those off. In any case, I definitely put the "camp" in campaign ;)

Friday, February 24, 2012

Silent Hill, 4th Completion

I have completed Silent Hill three separate times, each completion a few years apart. Because of this, I've always gotten the Bad+ ending. That red liquid is so easy to forget when you haven't played in a while. Luckily, I was on top of it this playthrough. The Good+ ending is just so much better, that's really all there is to it. Gave me a much better Silent Hill experience than I've actually ever had. I cherish this game, it gets better for me every time I play it! Now, on to the UFO ending.. ^^

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Feelin' Amnish

As of late, I have been playing quite a bit of Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. The game has been in my collection since release, some 12 years now. I have always loved it, but never finished it. My hope is to change that finally. The reason for having not completed it is a combination of my previously insufficient attention span, and the games' brutal difficulty. BG2 is quite literally harder than a T-Rex turd. Nevertheless, I shall persevere..

Saturday, January 14, 2012

lil sumpin sumpin

I'm sure this was a charity game, but it made me happy ;)